Book Reviews
I write a short description of the books, then make points on why I like them. Je fais un court résumé d'un livre et dis pourquoi je l'aime. Ich mache eine kurze Inhaltszusammenfassung eines Buches und erkläre, warum ich es mag.
Friday, October 5, 2012
I won't be posting anything on this blog anymore, I'm leaving it up though so you can still read my old reviews, they're just won't be any new stuff coming. For reviews every two weeks I'll be on starting next week.
Tja, es tut mir leid, euch mitteilen zu müssen, dass ich auf diesem Blog nicht mehr aktiv sein werde. Ich werde ihn nicht löschen, jeder kann die exestierenden Rezensionen noch lesen, aber es wird nichts mehr neues kommen. Libellensommer war sozusagen meine Abschiedsrezension. Also dann, tschüss!
P.S. Wer sich nicht verabschieden will kann gerne auf meinen neuen Blog umschalten: auf schreibe ich alle zwei Wochen eine deutsche Rezension.
P.S. Wer sich nicht verabschieden will kann gerne auf meinen neuen Blog umschalten: auf schreibe ich alle zwei Wochen eine deutsche Rezension.
Lesen gefährdet die Dummheit
Wenn ihr meinen Blog mögt dann habe ich etwas für euch: eine von meinen allerallerallerbesten Freundinnen macht das gleiche wie ich, ihre Rezensionen sind nur auf Deutsch, also müsst ihr nicht, wie bei mir, Monate warten bis ich wieder etwas Deutsches mache.
Hier ist ihr Blog: http:// lesengefaehrdetdiedummheit.
Hier ist ihr Blog: http://
Die fünfzehnjährige Jodie hat es nicht leicht: dank eines Boykotts der Indianer hat ihr Vater seinen Job bei einer großen Pappfabrik verloren und nun wohnt sie mit ihren Eltern und ihrer zehnjährigen Schwester Nikki in einer Sozialwohnung. Ihre Eltern streiten jeden Tag. Im Internet flirtet Jodie mit Tim, der achtzehn ist, braune Locken, blaue Augen und das schönste, strahlendste Lächeln der welt hat. Tim schreibt ihr täglich Liebesbriefe, hat jedoch keine Ahnung wie übergewichtig, picklig und hässlich sie ist. Klar das sie ohne ihren Computer nicht leben kann. Als Jodies Mutter ihrem Vater vorwirft, er würde sich nie un seine Töchter kümmern, verlässt der Vater die Familie. Jodies Mutter weiß nicht, was sie tun soll, sie arbeitet in einem Fastfood-Restaurant und verdient nicht genug Geld um nun ganz alleine beide Kinder und sich selbst zu versorgen. Als Jodie eines Tages von der Schule heimkommt und ihr Computer nicht mehr auf ihrem Schreibtisch ist, stellt sie ihre Mutter zur Rede. Als sie erfährt, dass ihre Mutter den Computer verkauft hat, schreit Jodie sie an, es sei ihre Schuld das ihr Vater weg sei. Ihre Mutter gibt ihr eine Ohrfeige und Jodie beschließt, wegzurennen. Zusammen mit ihrer besten Freundin Marla plant sie ihren Ausriss. Sie hat vor, per Anhalter nach Sudbury zu fahren um Tim zu besuchen. Bis Kapuskasing läuft alles gut, doch dann wird sie vom Trucker, bei dem sie mitgefahren ist, angegriffen. Sie kann sich gerade noch in den Wald retten, wo sie Jay trifft. Der Indianer kann sie ohne Auto, 60 Kilometer vom nächsten Ort entfernt, nicht einfach stehen lassen, muss aber schnell zurück zu sich nach Hause ins Camp. Also bleibt ihm nichts anderes übrig, als sie mitzunehmen. Die beiden lernen sich immer besser kennen, bis sich aus Jays ursprünglicher Abneigung Freundschaft entwickelt, vielleicht sogar Liebe. So beginnt ein magischer Sommer, in dem Jodie Jays Welt immer besser kennenlernt, immer besser findet sie sich im Wald zurecht. Doch sie gehört nicht hierher, in die Wildnis. Ihre Eltern zuhause sind krank vor Sorge und sie kann sich nicht ewig hier verstecken. Jay ist ein Indianer, ihre Welten passen einfach nicht zusammen.
Dieses Buch war echt super, ich habe viel über die Bräuche der Indianer gelernt. Antje Babendererde hat das Talent, eine Liebesgeschichte spannend und aufregend zu getalten, ohne jemals auch nur das kleinste Bisschen kitschig zu werden. Ich empfehle das Buch dringend weiter.
Dieses Buch war echt super, ich habe viel über die Bräuche der Indianer gelernt. Antje Babendererde hat das Talent, eine Liebesgeschichte spannend und aufregend zu getalten, ohne jemals auch nur das kleinste Bisschen kitschig zu werden. Ich empfehle das Buch dringend weiter.
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Immortals Series
The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel tells the story of a girl, Ever, who survived a car accident that killed her whole family, including the dog, Buttercup. She moves in with her aunt, Sabine, a lawyer. But Ever soon notices that she has psychic abilities. For one, she can see her dead twelve-year-old sister, Riley. She can see auras and know a person's life story-and future-by touch. And she can read minds and intuit the contents of a book by placing her hand on it. So you can understand why she always hides under hoodies and listens to her i-pod. She sits at the D-Table with her two best friends, Miles, who is baby-faced and gay, and Haven, an attention-craving anonymous group addict who has a different style every month. Every day, she has to face torment by the A-List Queen Stacia and her Number Two, Honor. But that was before she meets Damen Auguste, the mysterious boy who lives in a completely empty house and can make flowers appear out of thin air. She feels like she's seen him before and feels weirdly attracted to him. Ever is shocked when she discovers what Damen really is: approximately six hundred years old and immortal. They soon get together, but their happiness is short lived: Damen's immortal wife, Drina, is set on keeping them appart by killing Ever. After Ever accidentally kills Drina by hitting her weak chakra, Damen tells her the truth about herself: She survived the car accident because Damen saved her by making her immortal. In all of Ever's previous lives, jealous Drina had come between them, and this time, he couldn't bear to lose her again. But that was just the beginning. Somehow, everything manages to work against them, until Ever notices it's because of their karma and sets off on a journey to make them mortal again.
These books are amazing. I read the whole series in a week, I just couldn't stop! If you're not sure about buying the book, you can read it online for free:
Book One, Evermore :
Book Two, Blue Moon :
Book Three, Shadowland :
Book Four, Dark Flame :
Book Five, Night Star :
Book Six, Everlasting:
Unfortunately, the quality of the online version isn't perfect, I don't know about the download, it might be better.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Diary of a wimpy kid
Diary of a wimpy kid follows Greg Heffley from his first day of middle school on. The series is really funny because it's told from Greg's point of view and he has the most hilarious sarcasm. He also likes to think that everything he does is right and it's all someone elses fault, but no one understands him. He gets into all sorts of embarrassing situations and always finds some way out.Whether he's on vacation, taking swim lessons his dad is forcing on him, staying with his grandfather or opening his presents too early, he always manages to embarrass himself. Greg tells us the truths of life, in a fresh-faced, ignorant kind of way that really makes you laugh. These books are just amazing. I seriously don't know how Jeff Kinney does it, but everything in these books falls perfectly into place and makes a nice, finished story that is so amazingly whole and perfect. There are six books and more coming, which is good because once you started, you won't be able to get enough. I recommend these books with the warning that they're addictive!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Plz comment, Bitte Kommentare lassen, Laissez des commentaires svp
If you look at my blog, please comment on the post you just read, saying if you like it and what I could do better. Like that I can see how many people actually read my blog instead of just looking up an image and then landing on my blog, and I can make my posts better because I know what I am doing right and what wrong. Thanks, Julia
Wenn ihr auf meinem Blog wart, kommentiert bitte den Text, den ihr gerade gelesen habt, und sagt mir ob euch der Text gefällt oder nicht und was ich besser machen könnte. So kann ich sehen ob überhaupt jemand meinen Blog liest oder ob ihr nur irgendein Bild googelt und dan zufällig auf meiner Seite landet, und ich kann besser werden, weil ich dann ja weiß, was ich richtig und was falsch mache. Danke, Julia
Si vous étiez sur mon blog, sil vous plaît laissez un commentaire et dites-moi si vous avez aimé le texte et comment je pourrais m'ameiliorer. Comme ça je sais si vous lisez vraiment mon blog ou si vous cherchez seulement une image et tombez par hasard sur mon blog, et mes textes pourraient être mieux parce-que je saurais qu'est-ce que je fais bien et qu'est-ce que je ne fais pas bien. Merci, Julia
Wenn ihr auf meinem Blog wart, kommentiert bitte den Text, den ihr gerade gelesen habt, und sagt mir ob euch der Text gefällt oder nicht und was ich besser machen könnte. So kann ich sehen ob überhaupt jemand meinen Blog liest oder ob ihr nur irgendein Bild googelt und dan zufällig auf meiner Seite landet, und ich kann besser werden, weil ich dann ja weiß, was ich richtig und was falsch mache. Danke, Julia
Si vous étiez sur mon blog, sil vous plaît laissez un commentaire et dites-moi si vous avez aimé le texte et comment je pourrais m'ameiliorer. Comme ça je sais si vous lisez vraiment mon blog ou si vous cherchez seulement une image et tombez par hasard sur mon blog, et mes textes pourraient être mieux parce-que je saurais qu'est-ce que je fais bien et qu'est-ce que je ne fais pas bien. Merci, Julia
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Un Lun Dun
Strange things are happening to Zanna. Animals are treating her with a weird sort of respect, a woman on the street calls her the "Shwazzy" and her father, in a strange sort of trance, hits her friend with his car. Zanna gets a card in the mail that has "Zanna Moon Shwazzy" written on it. She moves in with her best friend Deeba, because her father needs some time off after the incident. The girls at school avoid her because they're scared. But apart from that, every thing is sort of normal. Until one night, Deeba and Zanna follow a broken umbrella into a basement and find a wheel. Zanna turns the wheel, feeling like for some reason she has to. Deeba and Zanna run out of the basement and find themselves somewhere completely different. It doesn't really calm them down when they notice that there are weird symbols in their cell phones and a trash heap starts attacking them. When they meet Obaday Fing, who sews "haute couture" out of book pages, he explains that they're in an Abcity, UnLondon, and helps them get to the Pons Absconditus where the Propheseers work. The Propheseers know all about Zanna's destiny to combat the Smog that threatens to kill all of the inhabitants of UnLondon. But when some Stink-Junkies (who are contolled by the Smog) come, Zanna is powerless and is forced to go back to London, having lost all memory of UnLondon. For a while everything goes back to normal, until Deeba finds out that many of the Propheseers' allies are in league with the Smog and goes back. But how can a twelve year old girl, a half ghost and a talking book that contains wrong prophecies save the whole Abcity?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Amy ist ein ganz normales mädchen in der Pubertät. Deshalb treten in ihrem Körper auch ungewöhnliche Veränderungen auf. Sagt Tasha. Und der Grund dafür, das ihre Mutter sich in letzter Zeit so komisch benimmt, als könne sie sie von einem Tag auf den nächsten verlieren, ist das Nancy Candler einfach nicht damit auskommt, das ihre Tochter Amy erwachsen wird. Sagt Tasha. Doch plötzlich sind die veränderungen in Amys Körper nicht mehr ganz so normal. Ein normaler Teenager kann nicht kilometerweit sehen und hören. Ein normaler Teenager kann keine sachen, die er oder sie nur aus dem Fernsehen kennt genau nachmachen. Die einzige Erklärung, die sie von ihrer Mutter bekommt, ist: 'Verstecke deine Fähigkeiten mal lieber.' Und eine Erklärung kann man das auch nicht wirklich nennen. Aber Amy will mehr wissen, und erfährt schließlich was sie ist und wie viele Leute hinter ihr her sind. Nur mit der hilfe ihrer besten Freundin Tasha und dessen Bruder Eric behält Amy die Sache in Hand... Aber nicht mehr lange!
In dieser Serie gibt es sehr viele Bücher, die ich zum Teil noch gar nicht gelesen habe. Wie bei vielen großen Serien sind die Bücher zum Teil etwas flüchtig oder unlogisch geschrieben, doch im Großem und Ganzem eine spannende und interessante Serie.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Where The Mountain Meets the Moon
Minli is poor. Very poor. Her parents don't get any crops in because it never rains. And it will never rain. Not until the dragoness who controls the weather is reunited with her children. When Minli buys a goldfish and realizes she will not be able to pay for it's food, she sets out to find the cure. On the way she meets a dragon with a surprising history who helps her get to the old man in the moon. But there is no knowing what she'll find on the way... This thrilling tale tells of friendship, love and happiness.
Attention! Aufgepasst!
I do NOT own any of the images on my blog. I get them of the web.
Je ne possede AUCUNE des images sur mon blog. Ils viennent tous de l'internet.
Card Captor Sakura
Sakura est en CM1. Sa mission est de ramasser tous les Clow Cards, qui peuvent causer beaucoup d'ennuis s'ils ne sont pas enfermes dans le livre cree pour les emprisonner. Aidee du petit Kelo, une peluche orange, pardon, le grand Kerberos qui a une forme imposante de tigre aile mais a malheuresement pas assez de force pour reprendre sa forme originale. C'est juste que, pour Sakura, Kerberos, c'est trop long. Mais reprennons notre histoire. Sakura doit ramasser les Clow Cards et devenir maitre des cartes. Elle en a deja trois: The Windy, The Wood et The Jump. Avec l'aide de Kelo et Tomoyo, sa meilleure amie, ca deverait etre facile, non? Non. Et quand un nouveau, Shaolan, vient a l'ecole pour lui voler ses Clow Cards, Sakura ne sait plus quoi faire. Mais avec sa determination, Kelo, son amour pour le meilleur ami de son frere(Yukito), sa baguette magique et ses cartes, cette petite fille habillee avec des vetements plutot... originales (cousus par Tomoyo)doit etre prete a tout, meme quand elle decouvre que Yukito n'est pas celui qu'il croyait etre...
Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011
Ausgerechnet die pummelige, haessliche Jarven gewinnt das Modecasting, bei dem sich die schoensten Maedchen ihrer Schule angemeldet haben. Sie freut sich, das sie nun zum drehen nach Skogland fliegen. Ihre sonst so uebervorsichte Mutter laesst sie sogar ohne sie fliegen! Aber die leute, die sie mitnehen, sind irgendwie komisch. Sie lassen sie nicht unbeaufsichtigt hinaus, und Jarven ueberhoert ein hoechst geheimnisvolles Gespraech... Hat sie es mit Betruegern zu tun? Und als eins und eins zusammenkommen, bemerkt sie, dass sie nur eine Schachfigur ist auf dem grossen Brett der Nordskogischen Reformisten...
Eigentlich koennte alles perfekt seien. Jarven und ihre Freunde haben die Reformisten weggetrieben und jetzt herscht wieder der weise Koenig. Aber sie hat es nicht so leicht, wie man glauben koennte. Als Prinzessin wird sie immer von Klatschzeitschriften angegriffen. Eines Tages kann sie es nicht mehr ertragen und rennt davon. Doch auch in ihrem versteck, dem Lotsenhaus ist sie nicht sicher. Als sie ueber ein dunkles Verfueren der Reformisten erfaert, wird sie entfuert. Und das ist nicht alles. Die Reformisten wollen die Rebellen fuer schuldig halten und einen Angriff plannen. Jarven muss Skogland retten... Aber wie?
Eigentlich koennte alles perfekt seien. Jarven und ihre Freunde haben die Reformisten weggetrieben und jetzt herscht wieder der weise Koenig. Aber sie hat es nicht so leicht, wie man glauben koennte. Als Prinzessin wird sie immer von Klatschzeitschriften angegriffen. Eines Tages kann sie es nicht mehr ertragen und rennt davon. Doch auch in ihrem versteck, dem Lotsenhaus ist sie nicht sicher. Als sie ueber ein dunkles Verfueren der Reformisten erfaert, wird sie entfuert. Und das ist nicht alles. Die Reformisten wollen die Rebellen fuer schuldig halten und einen Angriff plannen. Jarven muss Skogland retten... Aber wie?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Gamer Girl
Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi tells the story of a girl, Maddy, who is forced to move after her parents divorce. The problem is, she's not just moving anywhere. Over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go. And woods aren't so far off from the suburbs where her grandmother lives. And to make things worse, she has to go to Hannah Dustin High School, a public school full of Aberzombies, with a popular gang that rules the school. Okay, this isn't Boston Academy, but it's okay, right? I mean surely their are goths and sk8ter dudes, right? Wrong. Maddy is a complete outsider. No one wants to have anything to do with her, especially not after she comes to school on her first day wearing a shirt with unicorns on the front (her unicorn obsessed grandma didn't think her goth look was "appropriate" and decided to lend her some clothes)and her grandma embarrasses the king of the school, Billy Henderson, by loudly exclaiming how she knew him when he still wet his bed. To make matters worse, she has a huge crush on Billy's best friend, Chad Murray. But her life takes a turn for the better when she gets a game, "Fields of Fantasy", and as an online character that is the complete opposite of herself, she finds adventure, fun, and maybe even love. That's when she decides to take matters in her own hands and stand up for herself...
This is a good, interesting book that you won't be able to put down. It may not be so well written, but plunge into the story and you'll forget the writing.
This is a good, interesting book that you won't be able to put down. It may not be so well written, but plunge into the story and you'll forget the writing.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Books of Ember
Ember. Dark, cold, full of artificial lights. This is the world. Beyond lie the Unknown Regions. Uninhabitable wasteland, with monsters and gigantic holes. Stay in Ember and you'll be safe, Lina. Ember is a speck of light in a dark world. The Builders built it for us, we must be thankful. Here we have all our needs. Yeah right. The food is running out, the generator is breaking... Ember is a dying city. No one knows that, however. Wait, who's that? Doon Harrow, the silent boy who never speaks? Who used to be Lina's best friend? Surely he couldn't have to do with anything? Why is he throwing that piece of paper at the floor? His job assignment? But he's messenger, the job Lina wanted the most! What's that the mayor is saying? Lina Mayfleet is Pipeworks laborer? But that's the worst job ever! What is Doon saying now? He wants to trade with Lina? He wants to be where the generator is, so that he can fix it. Doon knows what is going on? Lina makes a shocking discovery that leads them into a big adventure. They uncover a dark secret of the mayor. Doon and Lina know they have to get out of Ember before the lights go off! But when they escape Ember, they make an amazing discovery. Their city isn't what they thought it was. The people of Ember find hospitality in the city of Sparks, but that hospitality turns out to be not so hospitable. A man named Tick leads an army of Emberites against the population of Sparks, due to disrespect on part of the people of Sparks. But Doon and Lina discover that something is wrong, and they have to stop the attack before it's too late! Then Doon and Lina find out that there might be something back in Ember that will help the people of Sparks survive the harsh winter, and he and Lina head back in search of it. But they find Ember in a state neither of them would have suspected...
Very good series, though the third book, that I haven't described here, has a different storyline and isn't as good. The third book only takes you back in time, though, so if you take my advice and don't read it, trust me, you won't be missing out on anything. I strongly recommend the first, second, and fourth book, though.
Very good series, though the third book, that I haven't described here, has a different storyline and isn't as good. The third book only takes you back in time, though, so if you take my advice and don't read it, trust me, you won't be missing out on anything. I strongly recommend the first, second, and fourth book, though.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
New Moon
New Moon, the sequel of Twilight, tells about Bella's eighteenth birthday.While opening presents she gets a paper cut, and Jasper loses control, overcome by thirst. Edward and his family leave to protect Bella, making her believe he doesn't want her anymore. Bella is torn, she disconnects herself completely from the rest of the world. But she soon notices that if she does something reckless she has an illusion of Edward's voice. She decides to ride a motorcycle to hear his voice again. Only problem: the motorcycle is completely wrecked, and she can't pay for it's repair. She remembers Jacob, an old friend, who builds cars. She takes the motorcycle to him and ends up spending more time with him than she intended to. More important, she feels happy again! She spends all of her time with him, and stops drawing herself back from everybody else. Jacob soon falls in love with her, and though she keeps telling him that she loves only Edward, he won't give up. Bella is fine with that, she's having the time of her life. But then Jacob becomes sick and dodges her calls. Bella is in pain again, and she doesn't know what to do. Then, one night, Jacob is sitting in her tree, and he jumps into her room. Bella finds out what Jacob has become: a werewolf, mortal enemy of vampires. When Bella finds out Victoria, the mate of James, the vampire Edward killed is hunting her down, Jacob vows to protect her. But then something unexpected happens: Alice comes to visit, and finds out that through a misunderstanding, Edward thinks Bella killed herself, and he sets out to Italy, to be destroyed. Bella and Alice set out after him, they must stop him...
Full of surprise, suspense, romance and myth, this book is a must-have! It ranks high up there with the first book; if you enjoyed that, then don't stop at it! The whole series has a very good storyboard, it is popular with teens everywhere, translated into many different languages, just a GREAT series!
Full of surprise, suspense, romance and myth, this book is a must-have! It ranks high up there with the first book; if you enjoyed that, then don't stop at it! The whole series has a very good storyboard, it is popular with teens everywhere, translated into many different languages, just a GREAT series!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Twilight tells the heartwarming story of Bella, a 17-year-old girl who meets an unnaturally beautiful boy and his family and falls "unconditionally and irrevocably" in love with him-only to find out that he and his family are vampires. "Vegetarian" vampires, yes, but still vampires. And what does it matter if they only drink animal blood? Anyone can lose control. Edward certainly thinks so, and tells Bella it would be better if they weren't friends. But their longing for each other becomes too strong, they have to be together, they have to make it work... And suddenly Bella finds a whole family of friends. Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper and Emmett would love to have her in their family, but Edward doesn't want to turn her into a vampire, for he believes vampires have no soul. His sister Rosalie thinks the same, and has something against Bella... And when three vampires from another coven arrive, one of them starts tracking Bella. She flees, but he catches up to her... Buy A.S.A.P!!! There are four books, so you won't run out of story. The books are very interesting, touching and adventurous. One book will leave you hungry for more!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Mollly Moon
Take Molly Moon, a poor ugly orphan that gets picked on by everybody. Mix in Rocky, her only friend. Then, carefully stir up a big fight. Add a plane ticket to New York. Throw in the other, mean orphans, and don't forget the even nastier Miss Adderstone, the head, and Edna, the cook. Gently and slowly mix in Petula, Miss Adderstone's pug. Then put in a box of Moon's Marshmallows, taking care not to damage the content. Put in a hypnotism book and make sure it changes the mixture completly. Then put in a truckload of adventure. Now you have the beginning of a perfect story. Oh, and one more thing; go to the bookstore as fast as possible to buy the books! Accompany Molly Moon as she sets of to get Rocky back, nearly losing Petula, finds her mother, who has been hypnotized by her father, who wants to take over the world, she learns how to stop the world, finds out who really caused everything, and barely has her family reunited before she gets kidnapped by a crazy maharaja who had started her father's taking over the world, and gets whisked of to nineteenth century India, along with several other versions of herself, who have come from the past! The maharaja's plan is to kill all the Mollies except the baby, so that Molly will not have foiled his plans. Molly learns how to time travel, and finally gets back home (with a new Indian friend and an elephant) only to find that she is still missing a twin brother, who was taken into the future by a tyrant queen. She sets off to find her brother, and succeeds, just to be taken into a new adventure by Miss Hunroe, her "tutor" who turns out to be a madwoman who wants to take over the world. Molly and Micky, her brother, try to stop Theobald Black, who Miss Hunroe has set them against. By the time they notice their mistake, its almost too late... Among the best books in the Universe! Buy asap!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Le Journal d'Aurelie Laflamme
C'est une fille normale. Au moins, a peu pres normale. Elle va au lycee prive pour filles. En fait, elle y va jusqu'asque son ecole se ferme, parcequ'il n'y a plus asez d'argent pour payer les profs. Elle est enfant unique. Son pere est mort. Elle vit seule avec sa mere. Mais ca aussi, ca doit forcement changer. Son mere s'est trouvee un chum! (pour les francais de france, c'est un petit ami, j'avoue qu'au debut j'avais aucune idee qu'esque c'etait) Sa mere et son chum, au moins, ils restent ensemble! C'est pas le cas avec Aurelie et son chum, Nicolas! Et c'est tout la faute de Tommy, le nouveau voisin! Mais Aurelie lui pardonne, et ils devient melleures amis. Avec Kat, bien sur. Pas moyen d'avoir un groupe sans elle. C'est quand meme la meilleure amie d'Aurelie depuis tres, tres longtemps. Mais Aurelie s'eloingne avec le mauvais groupe, ayant trouve un nouveau chum qui est tres populaire. Quand leur relation se termine, elle remarque que ses supposes "amies" se foutent pas mal d'elle, maintenant qu'elle ne fait plus partie des populaires! Heureusement qu'elle a son chat Sybille, qui reste toujours avec elle. Aurelie n'a q'un but dans la vie: etre heureuse. Ces livres donnent un avis des tristesses de la vie, tout en conservant un certain sens d'humeur. A acheter le plus vite possible!
The tale of Desperaux
This heartwarming story tells of a mouse that falls in love. But this mouse has a big problem: he loves the princess! That in itself might not have been a problem, but the princess is HUMAN!!! And as if that weren't bad enough, the whole castle is the enemy of mice! Well, not exactly of mice. Of rats. But where the royal family is concerned, there is absolutely zero difference. A rat killed the queen. That was enough evidence for them that rodents are horrible creatures. Only the princess, Pea, seems to understand him. Unfortunately he is found at her feet by his brother, and has to go to prison, the dungeon. There he meets Gregory, the Jailer, and quite a few rats. Roscuro, the "head rat", whose heart has been broken by the princess, makes up a war plan. He will use jealous Miggery Sow and have her kill the princess. Then the rats will take over the castle. Desperaux finds out the plan and desperately wants to help. He must save the princess! But what can a little mouse do on its own? A must-have for every bookshelf, this is a true masterpiece.
Rating and review: How I Survived Middle School
I will NOT review every single book but they have the same background so one will keep the promise of its companions... This series is good for middle school girls, who can compare themselves with the characters. It also shows how hard life in middle school can be, with bullies and Pops and all that, while still conserving a certain sense of humor. I do NOT, however, recommend this series to boys, but that is most likely obvious. Just the same, if you are a boy, I recommend you take this book to your mother and tell her to please put it back where it came from!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How I Survived Middle School: I Heard a Rumor
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I Heard a Rumor by Nancy Krulick |
Joyce Kilmer Middle School finally has a school paper, the Joyce Kilmer Gazzette! Everything goes smoothly, until the mysterious Madame X starts a gossip column leading to fights and disorder in Joyce Kilmer Middle School. When Madame X first starts a rumor about one of her best friends, saying she has a boyfriend, then moves on to warning people about a Middle School documentary Marc is making, causing everyone to run away from his camera and even goes so far as to dis Felicia and Josh's relationship, Jenny knows she has to take matters into her own hands and stop Madame X- before it's too late! Will she find out Madame X's true identity?
How I Survived Middle School: Madame President
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Madame President by Nancy Krulik |
How I Survived Middle School: Can You Get an F in Lunch
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Can you get an F in Lunch? by Nancy Krulik |
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